R2-D2 Roll Tissue Cover: R2-D2 Roll Tissue Cover from Japan comes with azipper at the bottom of the box, so you can put the tissues.

Millennium Falcon Bed: Creation of Kayla Kromer, the maker of the famous Hamburger Bed.

Starwars Bath Robes: It is made of soft 100% cotton velour and has a logo embroidered on the front.

Starwars Ride: Here we got a Honda Del Sol converted into an A-Wing Starfighter.

R2-D2 Computer Case Mod:
Princess Leia in the Kitchen:

Millennium Falcon Cake: An awesome creation of Debbiedoescakes.

R2-D2 Fridge: Only 1000 copies of these were made and were intended as a prize for a contest, held at 7-11 stores in Japan back in 2002.

Starwars Backpacks:

Starwars Bed Sheet: The cotton bed sheet features Skywalker, Leias and Wookies against puffy white space.

Princess Leia Bed Sheet:

Starwars Bed Sheet - 2: On one side of the bed sheet you have the pictures of Starwars' characters and on the other side you have "Starwars" written in large fonts.

Starwars - Hoodies: These starwars themed hoodies come from the collection of Marc Ecko's Starswars collection.

R2-D2 Hoodie: If you want one, this fun R2-D2 hoodie is available for $92 at Etsy, it looks like there is only one available in XL.

Boba Fett Hoodie:

Starwars Themed Home Theaters: Doug Chiang (lead designer on Episode I and Episode II) designed this home theater for Vic Wertz and Lisa Stevens. Its features include three levels of seats, a stage for the screen, and a fiber-optic star field.

Chancellor Palpatine's Office: Steve wanted to convert part of his garage into a home theater, and went to the dark side and had it modeled after Chancellor Palpatine's office. 'Simon hired his friend, Jorge Ocampo of Miami-based DreamSpace to be the electronics installer, and DreamSpace does a lot of work with CDGi (Cinema Design Group International), which makes acoustical panels and furnishings for home theaters.'

Home Theater - 2: Another Starwars themed home theater with 11 ft wide screen and 7.1 Surround Sound!

Millennium Falcon PC: Millennium Falcon computer mod has multi-colored cycling power light, dual hard drive activity headlights, blue EL-string engine bay, 6 exhaust fans for cooling, dual hard drives including one with window, power, reset, and engine light switches in cockpit. The mouse is based on another starwars toy and includes wireless RF-based X-Wing fighter mouse. Apart from these it has a VIA mini-itx motherboard, two 2.5 inch hard drives with 256MB memory. Plus we got USB, PS2, ethernet, VGA, and audio for external ports.

Star Wars Character Clock Lamps: It has an alarmclock, desk lamp, and MP3 speaker all in one.

Wiillenium Falcon: Grayson integrated a Nintendo Wii within a toy model of the Millennium Falcon.

Starwars Mimobot Collection: Cool productive gadget that comes in attractive Starwars character casing.

Millennium Falcon Mac mini: Derrick fitted the Apple Mac mini into the Millennium Falcon's interior. "With a bluetooth wireless keyboard and mouse as it's main input devices. Using either Remote Desktop or VNC, we are able to run updates. It is connected via the network using an Airport Extreme wireless card, so we can transfer files as needed."

Starwars Wall Stickers - Glow in the Dark:

Millennium Falcon Remote Control: At first glance, it looks just like a plain Millennium Falcon replica. But wait until you press the button, the entire backside slides out into a full remote control. The remote can be used to control the R2-D2 projector, the DVD player, a CD player, and an iPod.
Starwars Football Table: Built by flickr user - 2x4, for the Moc Athalon on Mocpages.

R2-D2 Home Video Projector: It's a complete home entertainment system, it includes a projector, an iPod docking station and a DVD Player.

R2-D2 Watch: This watch uses a little IR transmitter which lets you control a miniature version of R2-D2.

Millennium Falcon Joystick: The Millennium Falcon themed joystick controller comes with four classic starwars games built into the joystick; all you have to do is connect it to a TV using the supplied cable.

Starwars Costumes: These costumes for the little ones look really cool!

Starwars Wall clock: It measures over 6 inches tall, features glowing red eyes, and includes a sound effect.

Starwars Room Décor: This cool home by Cho Woong overflows with collectibles and action figures from the Starwars saga.

Starwars MacBook Decal: These come in a range of sizes for 13 inch, 15 inch and 17 inch MacBook Pro's, as well as a choice of colors including black, grey and white.

Starwars Character Fridge Magnets:

Starwars in the Kitchen: Baking cookies or flipping pancakes with this one will be fun!

Starwars Cufflinks: More cool cufflinks - link.

Starwars Earrings: More cool earrings - link.

Starwars Sandwich Cutters: Transform your sandwiches into high-energy fuel for lunches, snacks and parties with Millennium Falcon and TIE fighter sandwich cutters.

Starwars Pancake:

Starwars Cookie Cutters: These are equipped with a springloaded stamp, the cutters are as swift, precise and a lot easier to work with.

Starwars Mini Flashlight: It measures a little over three inches long and includes a bright flashlight.

Starwars Characters Nutcrackers: